Tuesday 22 January 2013

Ben Hope. 17th January 2013

We were up early mainly due to to the fact that Vicks had quite an unsettled night, due to not being able to find a comfortable position to sleep in. The temperature during the night had also dropped and it was freezing. So both of us reluctantly dragged ourselves from our sleeping bags, dressed and then braved the cold to dismantle the tent. Once everything was packed away in the car we put the kettle on to make the brews, whilst searching the area we had been camped in to make sure we had not left anything behind. Brews made we jumped in the car and set off north for our days walk.

Sunrise in the far north of Scotland. 17/01/2013 (Photo: A J Thorley)

It did not take us long to drive to the turn off  onto the minor single track road that leads to Ben Hope, but within a few minutes of driving a long this road we turned back. The road in places was a sheet of solid ice, so rather than risking ending up in a ditch we decided to drive all the way to the far north cost and then back on ourselves to see if we could get to the starting point of our days walk from the north. Luckily this plan worked and we also got to watch a spectacular sunrise as an added bonus.

Ben Hope. 17/01/2013 (Photo: A J Thorley)

Arriving at the car park just opposite a barn (NC462477) I put the kettle on whilst we readied ourselves for the days walk. Sipping at our hot brews I folded the map and doubled checked we had everything before we finally locked the car and started off.

Ben Loyal. 17/01/2013 (Photo: A J Thorley)

It is quite a steep ascent that starts the moment you leave the car park and it did not take long for us to warm up. We set a steady pace and ascended the hillside in a north easterly direction until we reached a small leveling (NC465481). Where we stopped to take layers off and take in the views. Once sorted we continued along the foot path in the same direction until we reached the broad ridge (NC472483) of Ben Hope. As soon as we gained the ridge we were exposed to the full force of the wind and the temperature must have been as cold as -20 if not colder.

The summit trig point of Ben Hope with Ben Loyal in the background. 17/01/2013 (Photo: A J Thorley)

We quickly layered up again and set a steady pace in a northerly direction towards the summit of Ben Hope. Luckily the wind was on our backs and this made the ascent easier. Arriving at the summit of Ben Hope (NC477502) we were greeted by spectacular views but unfortunately it was just too cold to take the time to enjoy them. With the wind now blowing that severely we could feel it through every seem in our jackets and with completely numb hands we wasted no time in facing the wind and starting a grim descent. Luckily it is quite a straight forward descent and were soon back at the small leveling that we had stopped at on the ascent, only to be treated to a bout of the hot aches as circulation returned to the hands.

The summit trig point of Ben Hope with Ben Klibreck in the background. 17/01/2013 (Photo: A J Thorley)

Once the pain and discomfort had passed we put our crampons on and descended the icy path back to the car. Arriving back at the car Vicks wasted no time in starting the car and getting the heaters on whilst I put the kettle on to make the hot brews. We both changed as quickly as we could and jumped in the car with our hot brews to warm up. Once we finished we started the long drive back to Glasgow. It was a short lived trip to the far north of Scotland, but luckily we got to enjoy some magnificent views making it a worth while trip. 

Sunset in the far north of Scotland. 17/01/2013 (Photo: A J Thorley)

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