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Cavalry Crack Buttress with the distinctive skull shape of High Crag in the background, Polldubh Crags 03/03/2013 (Photo: Aoibhinn Bradley) |
As agreed the previous day we were up early and over breakfast we discussed the options. Once we had both enjoyed a filling breakfast we jumped into the car ready to head further north again to Polldubh. We had a little doubt in our minds as to whether we could climb as in Glen Coe it was overcast and drizzling. None the less we set off full of anticipation for the days adventures.
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Eve the happy belayer 1st belay stance of Pinnacle Ridge S*, Pinnacle Ridge. 03/03/2013 (Photo: A J Thorley) |
We arrived at the crags of Polldubh in Glen Nevis early and in high spirits, it appeared that the weather that was affecting Glen Coe was not affecting Glen Nevis. We started to gear up at the car when two other climbers arrived with a beautiful retriever I'm not sure what breed it was but it would not leave us be until we threw a stick for it to retrieve. Once geared up we started to walk the short distance to Pinnacle Ridge with our new found friend in tow still insisting that we threw the stick.
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Eve cruising up the final pitch of Pinnacle Ridge S*, Pinnacle Ridge. 03/03/2013 (Photo: A J Thorley) |
At the base of Pinnacle Ridge S* we flaked the ropes donned our rock shoes and tied in. I started to lead the 1st pitch and like yesterday the rock was cold on the hands and was little slippy in places. The 1st pitch went quite easily once I got used to the coldness and I soon had Eve on belay and Eve soon joined me at the 1st belay stance. We rearranged things and once I was satisfied we were all sorted I lead up the final pitch which starts with a nice rightwards traverse and then finishes up a nice slab with some delicate moves.
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Eve's first onsight lead at Polldubh Crags, Upper Pinnacle D. Pinnacle Ridge. 03/03/2013 (Photo: A J Thorley) |
When Eve joined me at the top of Pinnacle Ridge I insisted to Eve that she walked straight ahead to the base of Upper Pinnacle a pleasant little continuation climb from Pinnacle Ridge graded at Diff. Re-flaking the ropes and then handing Eve the bandolier of climbing protection I insisted that Eve lead on. Eve nervously took up the challenge and once past the 1st piece of gear cruised up it with little hesitation. I heard the call to climb and soon joined Eve. Congratulating Eve on her 1st onsight climb in Polldubh as we coiled the ropes we put our trainers on and moved up to The Alp.
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Eve cruising up Slanting Slab VD*, Pine Wall Crag. 03/03/2013 (Photo: A J Thorley) |
Arriving up in The Alp there was already other climbers on The Gutter so I suggested that I lead Slanting Slab VD* on Pine Wall Crag up to the lower off on the huge pine tree then we could abseil down again ready for Eve to lead The Gutter. Eve agreed so without hesitation I was off, but after two or three moves the drizzle started. Luckily it passed quickly and I topped out with no drama's. Eve soon joined me at my stance and I insisted that Eve lead up to the huge pine tree and the lower off. Once up to the huge pine tree to my dismay the lower off had been removed. The problem was quickly solved and with the abseil set up, down I went quickly followed by Eve.
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Eve's 1st multi-pitch lead at Polldubh Crags, The Gutter D**. Pine Wall Crag 03/03/2012 (Photo: A J Thorley) |
Back down at the base of Pine Wall Crag we ate lunch and drank whilst Eve readied herself for her 1st multi-pitch lead The Gutter D***. Once sorted Eve started to lead, at 1st a little nervously but you could see that this soon passed and soon Eve had settled into a nice rhythm. In what seemed like no time at all Eve had topped out the 1st pitch and was back at the huge pine tree. Eve called down to climb and I soon joined Eve at the belay stance, the huge smile on Eve's face said it all. I quickly set up another belay and then gestured to Eve to lead on, you could see now that Eve was really enjoying the experience. Eve continued the climb and finished the climb with little effort. Once topped out Eve gave the call and I soon joined Eve at the top of Pine Wall Crag. Like before the smile on Eve's face said it all, we munched the last of our lunch before walking over to the lower off at the far end of Styx Buttress.
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Eve leading up the 2nd pitch of The Gutter D***, Pine Wall Crag. 03/03/2013 (Photo: A J Thorley) |
We abseiled down to the base of Right Wall VD* on Styx Buttress, this was to be the last climb of the day. Once we were all sorted I lead off to enjoy a very pleasant climb and great way to end an enjoyable days climbing. I topped out, put Eve on belay and Eve soon joined me at the top of Styx Buttress where like yesterday we took in the views and reflected upon the days achievements before abseiling back down to The Alp and then making our way back to the car.
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Me on Right Wall VD*, Styx Buttress. 03/03/2013 (Photo: Aoibhinn Bradley) |
By the time we returned to the car it was getting chilly and it was quite a relief to jump in and get the heaters on. Returning to the Kings House Hotel to pick up the tents where we had left them in the hope they would be dry, unfortunately this plan failed and the tents were soaking, we dismantled them and packed them into the car. We then called into the Kings House for a celebration mug of tea for Eve and a pint for me before returning to Glasgow. It was a great way to end three days of adventures in the Highlands of Scotland. A huge thank you to you both Richard and Eve I really enjoyed the experience and company.
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Pine Wall Crag as we walked out. The Gutter is the series of cracks running the height of the Buttress. 03/03/2013 (Photo: A J Thorley) |
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